

I have a happy family. It’s warm and good. My family has four people. My mother, my father and I. My mother is a beautiful woman. My father is a strong man. My father and mother are workers. They work very hard. I am a student. I study hard. I love my family, I love them, and they love me too!

It was after an accident that the family changed a lot.It was in a scorching summer, I have been weak and weak, I even started a high fever. In the process of coma for 5 hours, the whole family was like ants on a hot pot.

What was more worrying was that our place was a remote mountain village and the traffic was very inconvenient. Finally, my father had to drive a tricycle to take me to the city to see a doctor. Because my sister was left unattended, I had to take her to the city.

However, on the way home, an unexpected bad luck came, my sister fell asleep in the slow speed. However, no one noticed this, and in the blink of an eye, she fell off the car. Then, I heard my sister’s scream, and my parents were flustered.

At this critical moment, my parents quickly returned to the city and went to the hospital. When the doctor confirmed that the elder sister’s spinal cord was seriously injured and paralyzed, she could only spend her life in a wheelchair. After a heavy blow, the whole family was in great pain!

After the accident, my sister had two operations, which had no effect. She spent all the savings of the family and borrowed money from relatives. This is even worse for us who are not rich at all.

Since then, dad is for the family expenses, every day to be very busy, make every day either here pain or there acid. Looking at my father’s haggard face, I can’t help heartache, for this family, my father is working hard outside.

I really want to do something for mom and Dad, but I am so young, I have no heart at all! Looking at my father in his forties, in other people’s eyes, my father is in his 60s…… All this really makes my heart ache!

Gradually with the growth of age, I also learned a lot…… In addition to studying hard, I never ask my parents for pocket money. When my family is silent, I try my best to tell jokes to my family. Slowly, the family showed a long lost smile!

父母与孩子之间的爱 人生生长过程个阶段对感情的变化

  • 依恋 感恩 回报


  • 我们感觉关系由朋友发生了点微妙变化,他是我从小涪孩帝绞郜悸佃溪顶娄叫到大的哥哥,当然不是亲生的,高中父母带我我去外地读高中了,离别前他突然抱住我,那时候真想哭,他让我不要走,不可以走,对着窗子朝我喊会想念我。这到底是什么样的感情。。
  • 基情……


  • 这段时间大概是青春期,好好理解小孩子就行了。


  • 心理发生了很大说的变化,不知道要怎么面对父母的关心,也不晓得该怎么去说一些很感动的话感觉整个人很冷漠,对生活没什么热情,我是高三的学生
  • 是不是对父母的关心让你心存很大的压力,你对此不必有过多的压力,当前只要你做好你自己应该做的事情,让你父母宽心,你只要能做到就已经足够,随着年龄和学识的增长,你会应对这一切。


  • 我父笭发蒂菏郦孤垫酞叮喀母说我是农历10月7生的,但公历又是11月21………(这个公历啊生日时间每年都会有变化吗?)我到底是什么星座的?
  • 你的农历生日是每年的农历十月十三,你的阳历生日是每年的阳历笭发蒂菏郦孤垫酞叮喀11月29日 星座只看出生时的阳历,阳历11月29日是射手座


  • 20岁的我突然就迷茫了,想离开父母去其它城市工作一段时间希望有所变化,可是父母不让你离开,怎么办?这个让我慢慢沉沦的城市,呼吸都是那么的困难。人与人不再多言,话与与话也只是徒增尴尬。慢慢长大父母更不愿去理解你,20岁再不清醒就孩厂粉断莠登疯券弗猾晚了,可是又该如何去清醒看清自己呢?
  • 第一,你要有方向,不然你盲目去另外一个地方,你如何生存孩厂粉断莠登疯券弗猾第二,最好以沟通的方式跟家人说清楚,避免你出来后让他们老担心。


  • 女友认识半年,双方都是离异,缉畅光堆叱瞪癸缺含画她带个闺女16岁,半年给花了二万元之后她变化太大,,我对她和她父母,,照顾的很好不知道什么原因吧说分手,我们没同居,婚介认识
  • 你觉得这样的女人值得吗?让她滚蛋。


  • 男友对我一直都很好,即使我有小脾气,任性。他妈妈对我也挺好。可是最近发生了不愉快。我应该和他妈妈沟通下吗?!我和他妈妈不在一起。
  • “须菩提,若有人言:‘如来若来、若去,若坐、若卧。’是人不解我所说义。何以故?如来者,无所从来,亦无所去,故名如来。”须菩提!如果有人说,如来也是有来、去、坐、卧等相,这个人就是不了解我所说如来的深意了。为什么呢?所谓如来者,实在是无所来处,也无所去处,所以才称为如来。因为如来就是法身,法身无形无相,遍满虚空,无所不在,寂然不动,哪里还有来去之名呢?众生所见的语默动静之相,不过是如来的应化之身,应化身为随众生之机缘感应有隐有现,但是法身则恒常寂静,从未有来、去、坐、卧的相状。