
#聊聊CV和CL名词解释12月11日CV:简历。A curriculum vitae, often abbreviated as CV, is a document that job applicants use to showcase their academic and professional accomplishments. It is used to apply for positions within areas where a person’s specific knowledge or expertise is required.
CL:求职信。A cover letter is a written document commonly submitted with a job application, outlining the applicant’s credentials and interest in the open position.
范例Cover Letter1
what I have done previously
02教学方法My personalapproach to teaching03申请动机Why I have chosen this move因为简历已经显示了基本的个人信息、学经历背景、资格证书、二至三位推荐人的联系方式以及部分教学成果等,所以求职信就不用再重新去复制粘贴相同的内容了,否则会显得过于冗长、赘述。不过倒是可以挖掘一些简历未提的亮点,尤其是根据招聘岗位的具体要求去提炼一些英文「关键词」展示自己教学的专业性和职场上的领导力,尽量使个人资质和所应聘的职位紧密贴合。
With thanks to Grainne Hallahan, Tes Recruitment Editor,Fiona Salvage, The CV Centre , Protocol Education , and John Howson, Chairman of TeachVac.
cvHow to write a must-read CV
Despite having all the experience in the world, the best teacher’s application can be let down by a shoddy CV. We asked some experts how to guarantee your name is on the shortlist.
You might be a whiz with the national curriculum, but how are you with your own curriculum vitae Selling yourself on two sides of A4 doesn’t come naturally, but writing up a good CVis a crucial skill to learn.
Forget fancy fonts, elaborate layouts, and online CV templates that require sophisticated software. The most important thing you should remember when writing your CV is that it should be clear and simple with a great structure. Below are some tips from some of our experts.
Structuring your CV?Make sure your CV has a clear structure so that employers aren’t having to flip the pages to find the info they need. Aim for no more than a two-page CV. Avoid essay style writing, instead try to be concise by summarising key points using punchy, dynamic language.
Never write `CV’ at the top – everyone knows it’s a CV – simply put your name in a slightly larger font than the rest of the document. After your name include your contact details, followed by a personal statement, your career details, education and finally your out of school interests and achievements.
WATCH: What to check on your application before you hit SEND
Design tips?Font sizes should be the same whether your CV is printed or emailed, with 12pt a good compromise. Stick to Times New Roman for printed CVs as it is easier to read, and a sans serif font like Arial for emailed CVs as this font reads better on screen.
Bold and italics should be used sparingly on a CV; bold for section headings and italics for job titles is a good way of breaking up the text and making it easier to read. Don’t use bold to highlight key words.
Use of space is as important on your CV as it is in the classroom. Gaping holes with nothing going on will do you no favours, and nor will shoving everything on it. Balance the page so it doesn’t look lopsided, use bullet points where appropriate and use headings to help the reader navigate through the page.
Above all, make sure you’re consistent in bullet style, spacing, font size and design.
Use the right vocabulary?Throughout your CV, a good use of vocabularywill help take it from being an average one to an outstanding one.
The most common of these are action verbs (eg achieved, accomplished, managed, improved, developed) and positive adjectives (resourceful, versatile, innovative, positive, productive).
Personal statement?This short paragraph between your contact details and work experience is probably the most difficult part of a CV. It’s also the first thing your employer will read so it’s important to get right. This is the part of the CV that makes you sound human and allows you to demonstrate your qualities and motivations rather than just your experience. Take time to write this section well and make sure it flows seamlessly, but avoid clichés at all costs.
It needs to summarise three key things; where you are in your career, your key achievements to date and your personal qualities.
The best way to make this paragraph powerful is to make sure every word counts – don’t waffle, definitely don’t exaggerate, but do get to the point. Three or four sentences should be enough.
WATCH: What goes in your covering letter or personal statement
Career summary?For most people who have been teaching for a number of years, this can amount to a lot of information. It is best to use bullet points to break it up.
State the role, school and dates that you were in post, and give a brief summary of specific teaching responsibilities and achievements in each role.
Making each point achievement-focused will show your employer you had a positive impact and weren’t just doing the bare minimum.
All good teachers show commitment to continuing professional development and employers definitely want to see evidence of this. So, ensure that you provide evidence of further personal or professional training and Inset days as well as your qualifications.
Out of school interests?Employers don’t really want to know about your obsession with astrology or how much you love Manchester United. They would be curious, though, if you had a relevant interest such as a passion for green issues, or an interest in sport as these can be utilised in school. So think about whether it is worth mentioning your interests.
Most heads are looking for people who will be part of the larger community, and thosewho have had more than the school-to-university-to-school experience.
Explain your gaps?If you have gaps in your employment history, this will be flagged as a safeguarding concern. It is really important that any time out of employment is explained on your CV.
You don’t need to go into great detail, a simple ‘break from employment due to studying commitments’ or ‘time at home due to caring responsibilities’ will suffice.
Final check?It goes without saying that any CV should be checked for errors in spelling, punctuation and other possible errors. So make sure you do a final check before you submit it. Ask a friend if they can read it through.
This also applies if you’re sending your CV digitally, and you should also remember to name the file with your own name, such as “Jo_Bloggs_CV.doc”, and never just “CV.doc”.
村长的话找工作就跟找对象一样,一个人的完美际遇是天时地利人和所有元素共同叠加的结果。想要进入海外国际学校,说难不难,说简单也不简单。万事开头难,没有任何海外经历的朋友想要一步到位顺利找到海外国际学校教职是比较困难的,但是一旦进入这个圈子(in the loop)之后,路就顺了。
另外,英文能力是求职成败的关键。国际学校就是外企,基本上只有在开设中文课的情况下才会招中国籍教师。现在随着汉语学习者的增多,很多过了HSK五级或六级的外国人也成了汉教人的竞争对手,他们不仅能够胜任基础中文的教学工作,甚至还能教西语、法语、德语、日语等其他二外,并且教学方式、教学效果或许更契合校方理念。因此,想要突出重围怎么办?村长分两条路线来看:一条线是往母语语文教师的方向走,进了国际学校之后还可以往IGCSE中文母语课或IBDP中文文学课方面拓展;另一条线就是往外语语言教师方向走,把自己打造成为一个多语种教师。中文教师一般隶属于国际学校的现代外国语言部门/学系,即MFL(Modern Foreign Languages),语言教师自己就最好是一个外语学习的热衷粉。

