

介绍一下感官动词的用法,常见的有look/sound/feel/smell/taste等。知识点11. look/sound/feel/smell/taste + 形容词(或作形容词的分词),译为“……起来”,即“看起来/听起来/摸起来(感觉)/闻起来/尝起来”:The girl looks beautiful.The noise sounds annoying.2.?look/sound/feel/smell/taste + like + 名词,译为“……起来像”:It sounds like a good idea.The material feels like silk.知识点21. feel like + 名词,译为“感觉像……”:When I stood on the stage and saw so many audience sitting below, I felt like the king of a country.2. feel like + 动名词,译为“想要”(同would like + 不定式):I feel like swimming today. = I would like to swim today.知识点3feel/smell/taste也可作为完全及物动词,其后直接接名词,但此时意思是“摸/尝/闻”:I felt my stomach and found it bigger than before.Please taste our new dessert.He smelled something burning.知识点4look与连词连用构成短语动词,可视为及物动词,如look at(= watch)、look into(= investigate)、look over(= examine)等:The cat looked at the fish hungrily.All of us should look into the case carefully.注意,这里的副词通常置于look和介词之间:The cat looked hungrily at the fish.All of us should look carefully into the case.很多人看到look就认为一定是感官动词,而后接形容词,从而导致错误,如:The cat looked hungry at the fish.(×)All of us should look careful into the case. (×)一定注意,当look与介词配合使用时,要用副词而非形容词来修饰这个短语动词。Follow Me公众号ID:红烧肉一个有味道的公众号

