[新疆考试网]2013年新疆喀什地区事业单位考试准考证号查询 怎么去新疆喀什人事考试网打印?


2013年新疆喀什地区事业单位考试准考证号查询 怎么去新疆喀什人事考试网打印?

问题补充:2013年新疆喀什地区事业单位考试准考证号查询 怎么去新疆喀什人事考试网打印?
●你好,这位亲爱的朋友!能在这里回答你的问题也是一种缘分,现在就让我来为你解答吧!2013年新疆喀什地区事业单位考试准考证号查询入口 ,也可以在此入口打印。报名、缴费成功后,考生于2013年4月9日—4月12日打印报名表、准考证(一式2份,资格审查和面试时携带备用)。报名表、资格审查表、考察政审表等相关表格材料可登陆喀什人事人才网打印。报名、资格审查、笔试、面试、体检、考察等结果在每阶段工作结束后均在喀什人事人才网进行公示,不再通知到每名考生本人,请各位考生注意查询。凡超过规定时间,未能参加笔试、资格审查、面试、体检、考察等工作的,按考生自动弃权处理。希望这些信息对你有帮助!世上无难事,只怕有心人!只要你努力了就一定可以成功的!!~


问题补充:2013新疆伊犁州事业单位考试网 求解答
●2013新疆伊犁州事业单位考试网:新疆伊犁人力资源和社会保障网 笔试时间:2013年11月30日,考场设在伊宁市(考试具体时间、地点以准考证为准)。面试时间:2013年12月14日至12月15日,面试具体时间、地点考生可登陆新疆伊犁人力资源和社会保障网查询。报名时间:2013年11月18日—2013年11月23日。报名地点:八县两市均设有报名点,考生可就近到各县市及州本级报名点报名(各县市、州本级报名点、联系方式见附件2)。详细信息可在华图网校查询。


●2013新疆伊犁州直及各县直属事业单位招聘532名工作人员简章报名时间:2013年11月18日—2013年11月23日新疆伊犁州事业单位考试网- 华图网校招聘对象 1.伊犁州直户籍或生源大中专毕业生; 2.在伊犁州直服务的大学生西部计划志愿者、“三支一扶”人员、大学生村官; 3.伊犁州直引进的高层次紧缺人才(州直岗位要求研究生以上学历,县(市)岗位要求本科以上学历); 4.部分岗位面向全国招聘; 5.下列人员不在此次公开招聘范围: (1)曾因犯罪受到刑事处罚以及法律规定不能招聘为事业单位工作人员的人员; (2)近三年以来,在公务员、事业单位工作人员招考过程中有作弊、弄虚作假等行为的人员; (3)机关、事业单位正式在编人员;


●新疆伊犁州事业单位考试网:新疆伊犁人力资源和社会保障网 笔试时间:2013年11月30日,考场设在伊宁市(考试具体时间、地点以准考证为准)。 11月28、29日考生到各自报名点领取准考证。 笔试成绩于12月9日零点公布,考生可登陆新疆伊犁人力资源和社会保障网查询。面试。面试用国家通用语言(汉语)进行。 面试时间:2013年12月14日至12月15日,面试具体时间、地点考生可登陆新疆伊犁人力资源和社会保障网查询。 报名时间:2013年11月18日—2013年11月23日。 报名地点:八县两市均设有报名点,考生可就近到各县市及州本级报名点报名(各县市、州本级报名点、联系方式见附件2)。详见:华图网校


●新疆北部有阿尔泰山,南部有昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山和阿尔金山。天山,作为新 疆象征,横贯中部,形成南部的塔里木盆地和北部的准噶尔盆地。习惯上把天山以南地区叫南疆,天山以北地区叫北疆,把哈密、吐鲁番盆地叫东疆。    新疆三大山脉的积雪、冰川孕育汇集为500多条河流,分布于天山南北的盆地,其中较大的有塔里木河、伊犁河、额尔齐斯河、玛纳斯河、乌伦古河、开都河等20 多条。许多河流的两岸,都有无数的绿洲,田园阡陌,村镇相望,颇富“十里桃花万杨柳”的塞外风光。这是新疆各族人民世世代代生息活动的主要基地。新疆有许多自然景观优美的湖泊,总面积达9,700平方公里,占全疆总面积的0.6%以上,其中有著名的十大湖泊:博斯腾湖、艾比湖、布伦托海、阿雅格库里湖、赛里木湖、阿其格库勒湖、鲸鱼湖、吉力湖、阿克萨依湖、艾西曼湖。    新疆境内绵连的雪岭,林立的冰峰,形成了独具特色的大冰川,共计1.86万余 条,总面积2.4万多平方公里,占全国冰川面积的42%,冰储量2.58亿立方米,是新 疆的天然“固体水库”。新疆的水资源极为丰富,人均占有量居全国前列,有待于大力开发。大沙漠占全国沙漠面积的2/3,其中塔克拉玛干沙漠的面积为33.67万平方公里,是我国最大的沙漠,为世界第二大流动沙漠,仅次于阿拉伯半岛上的鲁卜哈利沙漠。准噶尔盆地的古尔班通古特沙漠,面积48,000 平方公里,为我国第二大沙漠。新 疆沙漠中蕴藏着丰富的油气资源和矿产资源。  新疆维吾尔自治区简称新疆或新。位于我国西北部,地处欧亚大陆中心。面积166多万平方公里,约占全国面积的1/6,是我国面积最大的一个省区。除东南联接甘肃、青海,南部联接西藏外,其余与8个国家为邻,即东北部与蒙古毗邻,北部同俄罗斯联邦接壤,西北部及西部分别与哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦接壤,西南部与阿富汗、巴基斯坦、印度接界,边境线长达5400多公里, 是我国边境线最长、对外口岸最多的一个省区,这使新疆对外开放具有得天厚的地缘优势。   根据《中华人民共和国宪法》和《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》,1955年10月1 日成立了新疆维吾尔自治区。自治区行政区包括13个地州、17个市、70个县、844个乡镇,其中132个镇、 670个乡和42个民族乡13个地州中有5个自治州:伊犁哈萨克自治州、博尔塔拉蒙古自治州、昌吉回族自治州、巴音郭楞蒙古自治州、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自 治州;8个地区:哈密地区、吐鲁番地区、阿克苏地区、喀什地区、和田地区、伊犁地区、塔城地区和阿勒泰地区;17个市中有3个自治区直辖市(首府乌鲁木齐市、克拉玛依市和石河子市);8个地辖市(哈密市、吐鲁番市、阿克苏市、喀什市、和田市、伊宁市、塔城市和阿勒泰市);6个州辖市(奎屯市、博乐市、昌吉市、阜康市、库尔勒市和阿图什市);70个县中有6个民族自治 县(察布查尔锡伯自治县、和布克赛尔蒙古自治县、木垒哈萨克自治县、巴里坤哈萨克自治县、焉耆回族自治县、塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县)。   新疆是多宗教地区。主要宗教有伊斯兰教、喇嘛教(藏传佛教)、佛教、 基督教、天主教、东正教和萨满教,其中伊斯兰教为维吾尔、哈萨克、回、 柯尔克孜、塔吉克、乌孜别克、塔塔尔、撒拉、东乡、保安等10多个民族所 信奉。伊斯兰教在新疆社会生活中有较大的影响。现在全疆各地伊斯兰教的清真寺和其他宗教活动场所包括喇嘛庙、天主教堂等,共23,000多处,充分满足了各族信教群众的需要新疆宗教组织主要有伊斯兰教协会、伊斯兰经学院和佛教协会等
●有很多最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,,有很多,最快的你到西北路的14路车站那里,有一排房子都是培训班的办公室,够你咨询了,因为楼后面就是职大 你到新疆科信学院看下这个是 自考学校 , 你有同学的话可以蹭课呢<br/><br/><font color=#0556A3>参考文献:</font>www.my0991.com,
●新疆舞赛乃姆舞  赛乃姆舞是广泛流传于维吾尔族中,以赛乃姆音乐为伴奏的舞蹈,并无规定动作和程式。一般由男女成对而舞,人数不限,舞时歌者不舞,舞者不歌,随着音乐情绪的发展而发展,最后总是在热烈地快板中结束。各地赛乃姆均以其音乐风格的不同而异,但一般舞蹈动作并无十分明显的差异。萨玛舞  萨玛舞这种舞蹈主要流行于喀什、莎车一带。从维吾尔族信奉伊斯兰教以来它就一直伴随着伊斯兰教的礼拜活动而存在。每逢库尔班节和肉孜节,便有成千上万的群众在众人“阿拉――”的呼喊声伴奏下跳起这种粗犷、奔放、节奏强烈的二拍子舞蹈。舞者均为男子,动作简单始终贯穿一种不太快的原地低头旋转。刀郎舞  刀郎舞这是流行于刀郎地区的维吾尔族舞蹈。是一种男女成对的群舞,其舞蹈动作的优美、舒展、矫健、刚劲有力可居维吾尔族民间舞蹈之首,此外,舞伴互相换位、交错、配合的默契又别有一番韵味。舞蹈动作难度较大。随着音乐伴奏速度的逐渐加快,舞蹈进入高潮,人们跳起一种原地快速旋转的动作,至此,已具有一定程度的竞技性,不支者逐渐退场。有些人会晕倒在地,坚持至最后者为胜,受到人们的赞扬和喝彩。纳孜尔孔姆舞  纳孜尔孔姆舞流行于哈密、吐鲁番、部善、托克逊等地。是一种由男子表演的单人歌舞,以其诙谐、滑稽的内容、动作和独特的蹲步舞蹈区别于任何一种维吾尔族民间舞蹈。编辑本段新疆舞民族意义及其贡献  除以上所述之外,新疆回族、乌孜别克、俄罗斯等兄弟民族,无不有其丰富优美的民族音乐和舞蹈,为我国的民族艺术宝库,为新疆这个“歌舞之乡”呈献了一朵朵盛开的奇葩。为了发展新疆各民族的音乐舞蹈艺术,自1949年以来,国家为各民族培养了一批又一批的专业人才。他们中很多人已经成长为本行业的专家,担负着一定的领导责任。<strong>答案补充</strong>傣族舞    1.自娱性的节目有“嘎光”、“象脚鼓舞”、“耶拉晖”和“喊半光”等,其中最具代表性的是“嘎光”和“象脚鼓舞”。   “嘎光”系傣语,“嘎”为跳或舞,“光”泛指鼓,也有集拢、堆积的意思。“嘎光”可译为“围着鼓跳舞”,也可译为“跳鼓舞”。西双版纳称为“凡光”,有很多地方又叫“跳摆”、“宁摆”等。此舞是傣族最古老的舞蹈,流行在20多个县市,嘎光以象脚鼓、镲等民族打击乐为伴奏;但有的地方,敲鼓、镲的人也参加舞蹈,并且带领众人围圈而舞。过去跳时,众舞者可以随心所欲的各自发挥,只求热烈欢快。现已发展了很多统一动作和套路,动作与套路的名称各地也不尽相同,并且已派生出一些舞蹈节目。如青年人跳的“新嘎光”就有30多套,还有两名中老年妇女抬大铓跳的“嘎铓央”以及老年男子跳的“嘎温”(软舞)等等。     2.表演性舞蹈有“孔雀舞”、“大象舞”、“鱼舞”、“蝴蝶舞”、“篾帽舞”……等。最具代表性的是孔雀舞。


●英语:  Xinjiang is located in the motherland as inland by a strong continental climate, where gathered a lot of ethnic minorities, most of the residents prefer to meat-based diet, beef and mutton can be seen everywhere here, so that by the Xinjiang sure to try the local Kaoquan Yang, as well as a real string of Xinjiang lamb, lamb pilaf and hands. Pasta is the main staple food in Xinjiang, where the more common one called "Nang", showing apricot yellow, surrounded by thick, thin middle. There sesame Nang, meat Nang, Nang layers, such as g Nang and other varieties, is a kind of flour mixed with yeast su**ce, light salt and noodles, baked cake made of. Nang mind when doing thin at the bottom of the bundle of numerous holes, each affixed to Nang Pit, to be braised roast 10 minutes later, crisp taste of "Nang" on the pan, and this "Nang" may keep well, and So many visitors to Xinjiang deliberately brought back taste of this food. According to Xinjiang because it is a long time here than other places in the fruit sweet, so Turpan grapes, Hami melon is well-known at home and abroad. Xinjiang cuisine: roast lamb pilaf thin-skinned dumplings baked buns Kaoquan Yang Xiang-Fen Tang Nang La striped clutch jen na Smoked breast meat Ma Ma San intestinal oil seed oil tower sub-hanging braised pork noodle soup Niangpi seed oil San Kuqa sub-Pal Wood breast milk horse milk wine  翻译:  新疆由于地处祖国内陆,受**气候影响较强,这里聚集着不少少数民族,居民的饮食大多喜欢以肉食为主,牛羊肉在这里随处可见,因此到了新疆一定要尝一下当地的烤全羊,以及真正的新疆羊肉串,羊羔肉和手抓饭。   新疆的主食是以面食为主,当地较普遍的一种称作“馕”,呈杏**,四周厚,中间薄。有芝麻馕、肉馕、层层馕、比如克馕等品种,是一种用面粉掺酵面、淡盐水和面,烤制成的饼。做时在馕心底部的薄处扎无数小孔,贴于馕坑壁,加以焖烤,十几分钟后,香脆味美的“馕”就出锅了,这种“馕”可久放,因此许多游客到了新疆特意带这种食品回来品尝。  新疆由于是照时间长,这里的瓜果较其他的地方都要甜,因此吐鲁番的葡萄,哈密瓜更是闻名海内外。    新疆美食:  烤羊肉  烤全羊  抓 饭  薄皮包子  烤包子  香馕粉  汤拉条子   手抓肉  马**  纳 仁  熏马肠   油馓子  油塔子  挂卤肉   库车汤面 酿皮子  油馓子  帕尔木   奶 茶  马**  奶 酒   Xinjiang Cuisine  Food in Xinjiang has much more of a Central Asian flavour than elsewhere in China and many of the dishes use Turkish and Islamic spices and flavourings. Much of the food here tends to be very spicy too, with peppers and chili used to much the same effect as they are in Sichuan, for their apparent cooling properties in the intense heat. The staple food here is not rice, (as it is elsewhere in China) but noodles. La mien and Ban mien (noodles served with mutton and a spicy vegetable stew) are hugely popular in all the cities in the region. Grilled mutton kebabs (Kaoyangrouchuan) are another common specialty, familiar to western taste buds too! These kebabs are usually bought on the street and often accompanied by a large, flat oven baked bread, resembling Indian Nan and going under the same name. Xinjiang also harvest some wonderfully tasty and fresh fruit. Turpan has an abundance of grapes and raisins. Every home here harvests grapes either for personal consumption, to export, to be made into raisins, or for wine. Hami melon is also very good. The local Uigur people tend to be extremely friendly and eating is a real part of the lifestyle here. Pull up a chair at one of the small Uigur restaurants and even if you don't speak the language, someone will always make the effort to help you eat!Uigur food aside, standard Chinese fare is available in the bigger cities of Urumqi, Turpan and Kashgar. Western food is more rare, although there are numerous branches of John's Information Cafe set up across the province, catering to western and backpacker tastes serving up pancakes, coffee and burgers!Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is inhabited by many ethnic groups, and Xinjiang-style food is characterized by roast mutton, kebabs, roast fish and rice to be eaten with the hand.Typical famous dishes:Roast Meat Xinjiang roast mutton is as famous as roast duck is in Beijing and crispy suckling pig is in Guangzhou. A two-year-old sheep is slaughtered and skinned, daubed with salt inside and outside, and then coated with a mixture of eggs, chopped ginger and scallions, and pepper. The sheep is put into a stove to roast for about an hour until it turns golden brown. Stewed Mutton Cubes This is a Xinjiang dish prepared especially for festivals. Cut mutton into cubes of 500 grams apiece and boil them in a big pot. When they are half done, remove the foam; and when they are 80 percent done, ass onions, pepper, ginger slices, carrots, turnips and tomatoes. Then remove and place on a big plate. Put some salt in the stock and remove to a bowl. Before eating the mutton, dip it in the stock. Roast Dumplings First chop the mutton, beef and sheep's-tail fat into small cubes. Add chopped onions, salt and pepper to make the stuffing. Wrap the stuffing in dough, and put in an oven to roast for 20 minutes. The dumplings are thin-skinned, with tender meat stuffing and very delicious. The Uygurs often eat these together with nang (crusty pancakes) and rice to be eaten with the hands. Rice Eaten with the Hands The materials are fresh mutton, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, melted sheep's fat and rice. There are more than 10 kinds of this rice dish, mainly mutton, chicken and vegetarian, but the most common is the one using mutton. This food is soft, delicious and nutritious. It is a feature of festivals, funerals and weddings. Pulled noodles are liked very much by people of various ethnic groups. To go with the noodles, deep-fried mutton, stir-fried eggs and tomatoes, and stir-fried chillies and mutton are prepared. The noodles are pliable and tough, smooth and delicious. Another method is to cut the noodles into four-cm sections after boiling, and then stir fry together with fat, mutton, tomatoes and chillies. The taste is totally different from that of boiled noodles. Oily Pyramids This food is a favorite of the Uygurs. First, add lukewarm water to flour to make dough, and mix in a little yeast. After one hour, add some water, knead the dough and let it stand for a while. Then divide the dough into several pieces, daub some vegetable oil on the outside, and roll it out piece by piece. Then daub some sheep's tail fat and sprinkle a little salt and pepper on it, and roll the dough. Cut it into sections, and twist the sections into pyramid shapes. Steam the pyramids are eaten together with soup or noodles in soup. Nang (Flatbread) Nang is a staple food for the Uygurs, just like steamed buns in northern China, rice in southern China and bread in Western counties. Making a nang is similar to making a pancake. The materials include wheat flour, corn flour or sorghum flour, with such seasoning as sesame seeds, onions, eggs, vegetable oil, butter, milk, salt and sugar. With a golden yellow surface, nang are crispy and delicious. Sanzi (Deep-Fried Dough Twists) Sanzi is one of traditional snacks of the Moslems. To make sanzi, use wheat flour mixed with vegetable oil and juice of the Chinese prickly ash. Knead the dough repeatedly, and then divide it into several pieces. Pull the dough into thin noodles and deep-fry in oil until golden yellow. During festivals, every Uygur family makes sanzi to treat guests. Ququ (Boiled Dumplings) Ququ is similar to huntun, but is unique in materials. First, chop up the mutton. Then mix onion, salt, pepper and a little stock to make the stuffing. Wrap the stuffing in dough wrappers in the shape of squares. After boiling, add some coriander. Ququ have thin skins and tender stuffing. They are delicious and nutritious. Roast Fish Remove the internal organs and cut the fish into two halves. Use several wooden skewers to penetrate the fish horizonatally, and then use a wooden skewer slightly longer than the fish to penetrate the fish vertically. Roast the fish in a semi-circle over firewood. While they are roasting, sprinkle them with salty water, pepper, and other seasonings. When one side is done, turn them around to roast the other side. Then put the fish on a plate and eat them with the fingers. Flour-Filled Lungs and Rice-Filled Sausages These are traditional snacks of the Uygurs, using sheep's internal organs as raw materials. Since the materials are uncommon and the cooking is time-consuming, this dish is a rare delicacy.Xinjiang SnacksXinjiang snacks have also gained popularity around China. One would be hard-pressed to not find small stands selling lamb kebabs (yangrouchuanr) on the streets of Beijing or any major city in China for that matter.Yangrouchuanr (Lamb Kebabs)   By far the most famous of Xinjiang snacks, lamb kebabs are chunks of fatty and lean lamb meat skewered on a wooden stick and roasted over a spit and then seasoned with salt, MSG and lots of red pepper.    Kaobaozi (Baked dumplings)Large dumplings stuffed with tender lamb strips and sweet onions and roasted or lightly fried on a grill. This dish is usually found in northern Xinjiang in areas such as Turpan and Hami. Nang Flat bread that comes in various sizes. Along with lamb and mutton, nang is the staple of Xinjiang food. Nang has a disk-like shape with rolled edges and a flattened center. Many of these types have designs etched out in the dough before the bread is baked in an oven. Fantang A simple tomato soup with bits of pasta, lamb and various vegetables. It's no wonder the direct translation of this dish is literally "the meal soup". One bowl is sure to fill anyone up!
●维吾尔族传统的风味食品。它的馅同“沙木萨”,做皮的面里要掺鸡蛋和油。皮擀成圆形、放馅包成马鞍形,沾醋贴在馕炕里,烤约20分钟,烤熟后色泽金黄悦目,皮酥脆,肉鲜嫩,嚼之香酥爽口。薄皮包子所用的原料与烤包子差不多,包子皮擀得十分薄,蒸熟后透过皮几乎可以看到里面的馅,其特点是皮薄肉嫩油多,吃时犹如包子皮溶化在嫩肉油香中一般Uighur traditional flavor of food. It's filling with "Samut Sa," has done the skin should be mixed eggs, flour and oil. Paper roll into a circle, put stuffing into the shape of a saddle bag, dip in vinegar paste Nang kang, the roast about 20 minutes, grilled golden color pleasing to the eye after the skin is crisp and the meat is tender, the crispy tasty chew. The raw materials used in thin-skinned steamed stuffed bun steamed buns with roast similar to roll very thin skin stuffed buns, steamed through the skin could almost see the post inside the stuffing, which is characterized by thin meat tenderness and the oil and more like steamed buns to eat when the skin dissolves in the meat tenderizer oil incense generally
