






形单影只 近义词

  • 形单影只的近义词:形影相吊、孤苦伶仃、孓然一身、鸾孤凤只、茕茕孑立、孤身只影、顾影自怜、身单力薄形单影只【拼音】:[xíng dān yǐng zhī]【释义】:形:身体;只:单独。只有自己的身体和自己的影子。形容孤独,没有同伴。


  • 保质期,骨髓的保存期是说,超过24小时,骨髓中的血细胞前体的活性下降,骨髓的作用就慢慢丧失了


  • 渴的近义词应该是干、焦。希望能采纳。谢谢


  • 突然,忽然


  • 只好 相关的近义词只得 只能只好_词语解释_词典【拼音】:[zhǐ hǎo]


  • 前科的近义词、同义词是什么?(大意:就是一个人只要犯了某个错误,下次有类似的事情,粻礌纲啡蕺独告扫梗激第一个就怀疑到他身上)平时和朋友开玩笑如果用“前科”太严肃了。所以问问有没有同义词
  • 前嫌,案底


  • 就算世界荒芜也总有一个人是你的信徒我也愿学习蝴蝶一再的蜕变一再的祝愿既不思也不彷徨既不回顾也不忧伤挫折经历的太少所以才把一些琐碎的事情看得很重要不需要对生活太用力心会带着我们去该去的地方就算世界荒芜也总有一个人是你的信徒我也愿学习蝴蝶一再的蜕变一再的祝愿既不思虑不彷徨既不回顾也不忧伤挫折经历的太少以才把一些琐碎的事情看得很重要不需要对生活太用力心会带着我们去该去的地方很多时候我们刻骨铭心的记忆别人却早已忘记与其纠结于心不如看淡看轻优雅并非与生俱来而是经历岁月的洗礼之后的一种质感人生如烟花不可能永远悬挂天际


  • HORROR MOVIEThe horror movie is a movie which creates an atmosphere eerie;its themes are horror and usually contain some violent incidents to make theaudience the creeps. The first horror movie is 《Frankenstein》. It produced in 1910 and is only 16 minuteslong. 《Frankenstein》is a silentand black-and-white movie, combined with peculiar characteristic ofexpressionism, it created a good atmosphere of terror. Depending on the region, I classify the horror movie into twocategories:European and American movieThey advocate visual impact. Movies generally take a bloodykilling technique to demonstrate the process of suffering of the victimsappearance. Creators through extremely cruel means, dripping blood, the cry ofpain and other elements of these films, to make the film to produce a"disgusting type" terrorist effect.This type of movie likes to create a killer and this killeris immortal o the extradimensional creatures, they are highly lethal. Typically,if the human and alien battle, the humans will die miserable. The horror themeelement is usually designed to be visible entity.Overall, the major European and American horror filmspursuit to sensory stimulation.Asian movies-Japanese and Korean movieJapanese horror image is often an illusory no physicalWraith, the image of terror are mostly vague, the process at a time, slowlyshowing the Wraith. Japanese horror movies are always people lost in their ownset of situations, by the fantasy to let you fall in the darkness of space.
  • 1.The horror movie is [the] movie which2. to [give] the audience the creeps3. is Frankenstein(电影名,书名,杂志名,电视剧名,一律“倾斜”,不用加粗,英语中不存在书名号,如果是手写的话请用双引号), which was produced in 1910 and only 16-minute long.4. is the black-and-whitle silent film 5. 不确定你是否想表达“古怪”这个意思,但peculiar这个词太大比较生僻,如果你想表达特殊的,可以用significant或者special6. and it created…(逗号不能连接两个句子)7. Referring to the region(depend on是依靠的意思,比如我依靠你生活), I divide the…8. categories这个词是指两种类别,像恐怖电影和戏剧电影。这里用词不当。建议修改为:referring to the culture difference, I divide the horror movie into two different kinds of region.或者based on the region, I divide the horror movie into two different types. 不好意思,我时间有限,只能帮你到这里喽~~总的来讲,你的词汇量很丰富,但是很多词在具体的使用上有问题,建议你背单词的时候,不要背他的汉语解释,而是英文解释,记单词的方法应该是把他放到例句里来记。像是view, scene, sight这三个词,虽然很简单,但是用起来还是有很大的分别的。希望能帮到你~~^^