reply的用法(词汇辨析:answer / reply)


answer / reply

(1) Answer and reply are the most common verbs used for speaking or writing as a reaction to a question, letter, etc. answer 和 reply 为口语或书面语中表示回答问题、复信等最通用的动词。
(2) Note that you answer a person, question or letter, not answer to them, but you reply to somebody or something: 表示回答或回复时,answer后不用to,宾语可以是人,也可以是问题或信,而reply后要用to:
? I’m writing to answer your questions. 特此函复贵方提问。
? I’m writing to reply to your questions. 特此函复贵方提问。
?I’m writing to answer to your questions.

(3) Answer can be used with or without an object: answer既可带宾语,也可不带宾语:
? I haven’t answered her email yet. 我还没有回复她的电邮。
? I knocked on the door but nobody answered. 我敲了门,但无人应答。

(4) Reply is often used with the actual words spoken: reply 常带直接引语:
? ‘I won’t let you down,’ he replied. “我不会让你失望的。”他回答说。

(5) Respond is less common and more formal: respond较少用,且较正式:
? The directors were unwilling to respond to questions. 董事们不愿意回答问题。

(6) You can only answer a door or a phone. 应门或接电话只能用answer。

Nouns 名词
Note the phrases in answer to and in reply to: 注意 in answer to 和 in reply to 的用法:
? I’m writing in answer to your letter. 特此函复。


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